Burning the candle at both ends since 1982.

Monday, December 10, 2007

C'est la vie, Blueprint

I am sad to report that another favorite magazine of mine, Blueprint, will no longer be in, well, print. I received the sad news via IM this morning and a sad cloud was cast over my day. Okay, not really that dramatic, but it is disappointing.

Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia said they "misjudged the market." No you didn't! I totally subscribe and love it...publish just for me!
What I really liked about Blueprint was its ability to simplify stylish living for what seemed like the younger set. I felt like a lot of the tips, recipes and advice they offered could actually be applied to a 20-something lifestyle. The magazine was, indeed, fun and fresh like their tagline states. Never mind the design of the magazine was absolutely gorgeous. A very spare, artsy take on things.

At least they decided to keep up the blog and maybe some special editions through Martha Stewart Weddings. Okay, next in line for my favorite magazine to fold would be Domino. That would truly ruin my life.

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