Burning the candle at both ends since 1982.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Who knew NARS was so gutsy?
Posted by
3:51 PM
Labels: beauty
Monday, December 10, 2007
C'est la vie, Blueprint
I am sad to report that another favorite magazine of mine, Blueprint, will no longer be in, well, print. I received the sad news via IM this morning and a sad cloud was cast over my day. Okay, not really that dramatic, but it is disappointing.
Posted by
8:22 PM
Friday, December 07, 2007
OMG is right! SATC: The Movie trailer released!
Okay, it's way too late and I should have gone to bed by now, but I had to share the news. The Sex and the City: The Movie trailer has been released!
Check it out here for your viewing pleasure. And thanks to Jezebel, you have a full analysis of the :39 second clip that leads with "they say nothing lasts forever - dreams change, trends come and go, but friendships never go out of style."
And a little sidenote - I instantly agreed with Jezebel, Charlotte really does look like M.I.A. I really like seeing her without her Park Avenue Princess style. Maybe she turns all badass momma on us? Okay anyway, enjoy the trailer, lovelies...
Posted by
1:08 AM
Labels: Sex and the City
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Lampshades Not Included
I love that Fashion Week Daily interviewed reps at all the magazines to find out where their holiday parties are, including juicy tidbits of insider information on the revelries. Seems a bit to me like asking the popular crowd where their after-prom parties are, but I love it just the same!
And now for the superlatives to continue the high school theme, because I know you care:
- Best Coworker Bonding: Domino is having a "bring-your-own-ornament" party to decorate the chicest slash cutest Christmas tree ever. Post pictures on the web site when you're done, so I can copy verbatim, okay?
- Most Intimidating Dessert: The six-foot tall cupcake tree at Hearst Corporations' "All that Glitters" party.
- Class Clowns: CosmoGIRL! staffers are being encouraged by EIC Susan Schulz to wear silly hats. At least it will keep them from that inexplicable urge to put a lampshade on their head after the fourth martini (although, sidenote: it seems oddball headwear is continuing with its It Girl status.)
- Sassiest Invite: Glamour's invitation features a model sporting Dior supported by four men in tuxes reading, "Men in tuxes to carry you home, not included." Now that you've suggested it, Glamour, that's going to be my transportation of preference.
- Most Paranoid: The New Yorker staffers did not release the date of their party for fear of "psycho stalkers." They'll be eating BBQ in the Flatiron District while talking about how much better they are than you.
Have fun at your respective corporate holiday shindigs, but not too much fun. If you feel you need it, read these tips that lead off with a story about a young PR professional who vomited in her VP's lap in the cab ride home...oh the horror!
Posted by
11:11 PM
Monday, December 03, 2007
Blue cheese + beetroot = coming to a chic eatery near you
Foodies take note - there is a new site called Foodpairing that allows you to explore food flavor networks and in turn, discover new recipe combos that might be the next big thing.
The site features 250 food products and their pairs via a visual map of branches that sort out flavors that share the same tastes and genetic food makeup. I think this is pretty cool - see what Josh Spear has to say.
The site encourages users to make new recipes by combining foods that have flavors in common. It even features an option to send in your recipe to recipe@foodpairing.be if you happen to come across something new and great. Maybe now we won't need a celebrity chef to tell us what is new and hip?
And those with a hit-or-miss spice rack (like me!) will enjoy the interchangeable foods section, which details best substitutes for herbs and spices. They base it on the idea that a food product has a specific flavor because of a combination of other different flavors, such as basil, which has a combination of linalool (so does corinader) and estragol (so does tarragon.) They say you can reconstruct the taste of basil by combining coriander, tarragon, cloves, laurel. Lot of work, but very cool!
I'm wondering if this site will guide an amateur bartender like myself to new creations. With all the trendy savory martinis out there lately, I was curious where "rosemary" might lead me. Turns out that basil, sage, all spice and nutmeg are pretty compatible, but so is peppermint and mandarin orange. That all sounds very interesting and worth a try with some top-shelf vodka.
So for better, or for worse, we now know that not only does coffee and raspberry taste great with chocolate - so would a radish or grilled pigeon. Shudder.
Posted by
12:04 AM