Burning the candle at both ends since 1982.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Let's all move to Stockton, Calif.!

Yes, let's do it. According to cheap-apts.com, a Stockton two-bedroom apartment can go for $675 a month. What! I think that's what I spend in shopping per month...okay, hopefully not.

But I am excited I found this little gem of a site through Apartment Therapy (of course) that finds "inexpensive rents in expensive places." Supposedly, these places are supposed to be full of charm and originality, too.
Well, I don't know if Stockton foots that bill, but I think they did a pretty good job scouring for places in San Diego. While I wouldn't even touch "Albert's College Apartments" off 55th when I was a sophomore at San Diego State (I once went to a party there that was broken up by more than 30 cop cars and four helicopters), The Bluffs II and Ballpark Place seem nice enough and aren't in bad areas.

So if you're thinking of moving anytime soon, you might want to use this site. Looks like they post around five to six apartments per day, so check back often. They'll even send you personalized listings within 24 hours if you email info@cheap-apts.com the city, number of bedrooms and maximum rent you want to spend. Just for a good laugh, I went ahead and emailed them to search for LA three bedrooms under $1,500...I'll let you know how that one goes. Ha!

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