Burning the candle at both ends since 1982.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Why do we need comfort food?

The scariest thing about carbohydrates are that they are fortune tellers. Predicters of the future. When I ingest a box of mac n' cheese, it predicts for me that yes, I will have gained two pounds by the morning.

When we're all adding this artery-clogging cheapie staple to our diets, it's all too revealing that the U.S. is headed for economic ruin and we're going to shove comfort food in our faces while we crash and burn. Why? Because this easy, cheesy meal was first introduced during the Great Depression in 1937, when people were trying to find inexpensive substitutions for dairy and meat. Well, maybe the situation isn't quite so dire, but it's an interesting correlation.

According to the Chicago Sun-Times, single-serve microwaveable Easy Mac cups experienced a 50 percent rise in sales for the year. Not only does this make me concerned about our fiscal well being, but I want to know how many poor single people are nuking this no-nutrient dish and eating it alone while standing up in the kitchen. It's just how I picture the scenario.

So put down the starch and have a salad, please. Maybe even set the table, even if it's just for yourself. Don't crap out on me now! Most of you reading are no longer in college and we're not in a recession yet. And don't tell me you can't totally afford a Lean Cuisine when they're on sale for $2 a pop at Target. Like that's any better with all the sodium in those frozen goodies. Then we'll just be a puffy nation that for some reason can't quite figure out how our rings don't fit anymore....at least we'll be eating better than corn syrup solids and partially hydrogenated oils.

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